Wonders of Homeopathy
How Homeopathy and Allopathy differs
How Homeopathy and Allopathy differs
Dr S. Chidambaranathan B.H.M.S, M.D Homeopathy Doctor Madurai (Treatment avail for all people around the world)
- In Allopathy, Medicines are initially proved in animals / lab analysis and finally brought for clinical trials. In Homeopathy, medicines are proved in healthy human beings.
- In Allopathy, any chemical substances can be used as drug substances whereas Homeopathy accepts those substances as Medicines only when they are capable of producing similar set of symptoms in healthy human beings.
- Allopathic medicines are mostly prescribed in crude form and in large doses whereas in Homeopathy, medicines are very much refined and given in minimal and minute doses. This inestimable minute dose or lack of research in science to spot medicinal substance in Homeopathic dilution often brings criticism to Homeopathy as Placebo medicine.
- When one happens to take Allopathic medicines for a prolonged period, adverse reactions are very common, whereas in Homeopathy, since medicines are very much refined and given in minute doses, mostly there won’t be any side-effects at all. Further one need to aware that complications with Allopathy drugs are mostly because of using unnatural chemical drugs.
- Allopathy treats diseases in all the possible way and best of the time. Here specific medicines or specific mode of treatment will be provided for specific diseases. But in Homeopathy, Homeopaths need to match the symptoms between patient symptoms and disease symptom to arrive at right remedy “similimum” to cure the patient at the earliest. So, in Homeopathy, selection of medicines often varies depending upon the patients presenting complaints, i.e. in Homeopathy, if 10 jaundice patients come for treatment, they may get prescribed of different medicines according to their symptom presentation.
- In Allopathy, different diseases are treated by different set of medicines (and sometimes by different doctors too) – they often interact (as most of time patient won’t reveal all sorts of treatment to the doctor of current treatment – even if they do so, sometimes interactions may be inevitable). Interactions not only come as an obstacle in the process of cure, but also complicate the disease further and make the disease as “Incurable”. In Homeopathy, Homeopath usually try to analyze all the complaints (of body and mind) to individualize the patient to choose right drug. So there won’t be any interactions or adverse reactions.
- Allopathic medicines usually act directly on the respective cells / tissues / bacteria’s / viruses / fungus or worms to bring positive health. In Homeopathy, medicines usually give energy (or support) to our immune mechanism (natural healing mechanism of the body) to get it strengthened to expel the disease on its own. Here one should comprehend that Homeopath won’t provide any remedy to kill bacteria / virus / fungus or worms, but they will get expelled by our body’s own healing powers (on getting strength through prescribed medicines). So recurrences of complaint will be very less in Homeopathy, when compared to other system of medicines, since our body will have increased resistance force after Homeopathic treatment.
- Allopathic medicines often treat the effects of the disease (for example, kidney stone, gall stone, warts or any tumour) and just give importance for its removal, whereas Homeopathy treats patient as a biological whole, to expel them naturally, to root out the tendencies and to combat recurrences. Here one need to aware that surgery has its own advantages – especially in serious conditions, irrevocable structural changes and in congenital malformations.
- In Allopathy, removal of affected tissues / tumours / stones / warts is also considered as cure. But Homeopathy considers it as pausing of disease and not as removal of cause or disease itself. So surely one can expect recurrences or bounce back in higher intensity in such cases, for example, in cases of renal stones, lipoma, etc. Here removal of stones or affected tissue cannot be taken as elimination of the whole disease since it is only the effects of the disease and not the disease itself. So, the stone-forming tendency will be there in the body and recurrences are common and in tumour or warts cases, the disease will move or proceed to other places / parts soon. Homoeopathy unlike other system of medicines, do not concentrate just in affected parts – it actually cares for total health i.e. for all symptoms of the patient.
- In Allopathy, since medicines are used in large doses and in continuous manner (for chronic complaints), often it causes dependency for medicines whereas in Homeopathy it is not like that since medicines are prescribed in small doses and infrequently.
- In Allopathy, in course of time with treatment, drug resistance (drugs may become ineffective) may develop and it would let any one down again with sufferings. But in Homeopathy it is very uncommon since similimum medicine is selected matching all the symptoms of the patient that will just trigger our immune mechanism to act against disease force.
How Homeopathy and Allopathy differs
Understanding Allopathy Vs Homeopathy - by Dr S. Chidambaranathan B.H.M.S, M.D Homeopathy Doctor Madurai (Treatment avail for all people around the world).
In medicine world, different modes of treatment are available for the welfare of sufferers to bring Positive Health. They all approach in different ways with different principles to attain the goal “CURE”. In the race, Allopathy system of medicine stands first with its efficient acute management and Homeopathy stands first in treating chronic complaints without any adverse effects. Each one has its own efficacy, advantages, disadvantages and limitations. This is to show off how these two systems differ in the treatment of disease / patient and medicines derivation / selection / applications.
As a main point of deviation Allopathy don’t have any fixed law or relationship between drug & disease. As it evolves as the best for the period with advancement of science and series of lab analysis it won’t give importance to any principles and opt for most suitable method of that time whereas Homeopathy developed as a rational science, based on definite principle – law of similars (let likes be treated with likes).
Disease / patient
- Allopathy concentrates on disease, its diagnosis and causes whereas Homeopathy concentrates towards patient and their feelings, i.e. on the biological whole (mind and body) to individualize the patient.
- Allopath tries to label the disease at their first outlook – their task will become very easy once they diagnose the complaint, whereas in Homeopathy, Homeopath further needs to individualize the patient to anticipate cure. Homeopath uses diagnosis only in prognosis point of view.
- In Allopathy, once disease is diagnosed with specific disease name, they will find out specific drug and its treatment is common to everyone irrespective of their symptom presentation whereas In Homeopathy, treatment may differ from person to person depending upon the symptom presentation of the patient.
- Allopathy treats diseases with common symptoms of the diseases whereas Homeopathy treats patient by giving importance to patient symptoms, i.e., uncommon, rare, peculiar symptoms of the patients. For example – In jaundice, some may come with vomiting and fever, some may come with just yellow urine and tiredness, some may come with body itching, etc. Here, Homeopathy treatment point of view and drug selection varies depending upon patient’s presenting symptoms.
- Allopathy usually identifies bacteria, fungus or virus as material cause for the diseases whereas Homeopathy declares dynamic derangement of vital force / immune mechanism as the cause. For example, if 10 members happened to attend a party and had foods / water / ice creams in the same place and when only 3-4 members out of them suffers with food allergy or flu like symptoms, then here bacteria or virus alone cannot be blamed as the causative factor, i.e., It is further because of low resistance of those suffers, i.e. deranged or weak vital force.
- In Allopathy, treatment depends on pathological findings / lab reports / causative factors whereas Homeopathy concentrates to strengthen the immune mechanism / vital force to expel / prevent the disease. In homoeopathy, diagnosis with lab investigations and causative factor (bacteria or virus) won’t help much for medicine selection since medicines are not going to act against disease or kill bacteria or virus directly. Here, treatment with individualization makes resistance / immune mechanism to climb up giving no chance for recurrence / re-infection of the same bacteria or virus. Further, in allopathy if they could not find any abnormality with lab investigations / findings they need to remain cross hands, whereas in Homeopathy those patients can still get benefited since Homeopathy treats symptoms and aims for strengthening of immune mechanism to expel the disease. Anyhow, kindly aware that no one can deny the importance of diagnosis, laboratory investigations for the assessment of prognosis and to monitor the betterment.
- Allopathy usually stops treatment once the symptoms go off or if they have found normal lab reports whereas in Homeopathy it will be continued till the patient attains comfort and well being sensation. Here one need to aware that cure and comfort feeling (well being sensation) can be felt only by the patient and cannot be examined or diagnosed by doctor or lab findings. As Homeopathy gives importance to patient symptoms, their feelings and emotions, with startup of Homeopathic treatment itself one can start feeling comfort. For example, if one happened to take allopathic anti-pyretic drugs for fever, they may have profuse sweat and reduction in fever temperature but they may feel profound weakness / tiredness, i.e., there won’t be comfort feeling even after fever subsides. But every one can feel the well being sensation while getting Homeopathy treatment even when there is fever. It is because of start up of cure process by natural defense mechanism.
- Allopathy treats patients in parts (concentrate only in diseased part) whereas Homeopathy treats patient from the point of view of a biological whole i.e. for their entire physical complaints, feelings and emotions. As Allopathy treats patients in parts, there may be many doctors working in one human to bring / maintain good health whereas in Homeopathy, one Homeopath usually gives importance to the all presenting complaints of the patient.
- Allopathy usually suppresses the symptoms / complaints – for example in case of Back pain they will be providing pain killers to suppress pain without addressing the exact reason. Every one should aware that pain is the alarm of the body to take care of the parts. Likewise in case of cough, they will be providing cough syrups to suppress the cough. Every one should aware that suppressing the cough may lead to retention on phlegm in chest which can pave way for recurrent infection / constant phlegm in chest. Even though response may be instant with cough syrups / painkillers, it won’t be useful in long run. – Homeopathy is a non suppressive way of treatment without any complications later. It addresses the problem to the core with the aim of cure.
- Allopathy suppresses the body’s natural healing mechanisms whereas Homeopathy favours or utilizes the body efforts / natural healing powers. For example, Fever needs to be treated as friend and not as disease (likewise cough). It is the first alarming sign to point out the entry of disease. Further it works as a defense mechanism which creates circumstances that are not favourable for virus or bacteria to thrive. If you are going to off the fever (natural alarm / healing mechanism), without taking steps against the disease, then you are paving way for the disease force to progress, i.e., while suppressing a disease, patient may feel better at first, but sooner they will experience the disease in worst manner.
- Allopathy can provide instant relief (not cure) with their instant remedies whereas Homeopathy aims for cure always. Even though there may be some delay in the process of Homeopathic treatment in attaining comfort level when one happened to analyse the reach of destination – cure, Homeopathy can always leads the race. For example – if one happened to take pain killers for headache and get instant relief with allopathy, it is matter for that day only, later he may suffer often with same set of symptoms – every time one need to go for painkillers – here one cannot expect cure. Whereas in Homeopathy, if one opts for Homeopathy treatment for headache, it will address the problem to the core and cure the case, further it will abort the tendency of recurrent headache. Here, by analyzing the end result, one can realize the value of instant and proper approach. Further everyone should aware that if one happened to avail / start treatment as soon as the complaints get started, betterment / cure can also be attained at the earliest.
- Allopathy aims more in “Management” for chronic cases” so patient may sometime need to depend on treatment / drugs for their lifetime (for example, using supplement of thyroid hormones / thyroxine for Hypothyroidism, pain killers for back pain, etc) whereas in Homeopathy, Homeopath treats core of the disease with the aim of complete cure. Here, every one should also aware that complete cure is possible only when patients opt for treatment in earlier stages. When they come after complications or structural deformity, it cannot be cured but can be maintained.
- Allopathy treats patients with external mode of treatment too (i.e., with ointments / external applications) whereas Homeopathy gives importance only to internal treatment since in Homeopathic point of view, external treatment will usually be a suppressive one. For example – by using creams for pimples, every one might aware that pimples may remain only dormant until then they keep continue with the use of creams. Once they discontinue the creams, pimples may rebound in more numbers. From this one can understand suppressive treatment not only suppress the complaint but also internally allow the disease to grow.
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Discovery and Evolution of Homeopathy
Discovery and Evolution of Homeopathy
What is homeopathy explained by Dr S. Chidambaranathan B.H.M.S, M.D Homeopathy Doctor Madurai.(Treatment avail for all people around the world)
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- Malaria - which helped for its birth and to postulate law of cures.
- Cholera – which showed the world the effectiveness of Homeopathy and thus helped for its growth and spread.
Urinary tract infection treatment and remedies
Homeopathy treatment around world - Dr S. Chidambaranathan B.H.M.S, M.D Homeopathy Doctor Madurai.
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Dr S. Chidambaranathan B.H.M.S, M.D Homeopathy Doctor Madurai (Treatment avail for all people around the world)
Passing of urine is so very important to clean our blood or body. Urine is normally sterile, till it gets lodged in the bladder. The main contamination occurs from urethra which usually has bacteria. The problem in secretion of urine, its storage and carrying can reflect as infection. During the infective process, the natural defence mechanism increases the frequency of urination to wash away the infective bacteria. Normally, people urinate about 6 to 8 times a day.
This will go up to 20-30 times in case of urinary tract infection. But, due to frequent urination, the volume of urine goes on decreasing. In most complicated cases, it may even cause passing of few drops or complete absence of urine (Anuria) or inability to pass urine.
The urinary tract infection, commonly abbreviated as UTI, is the infection of the urinary system. It may be due to bacterial infection or due to concentrated acidic urine which can irritate the mucous membranes of the urinary tract which attracts or is followed by bacterial infection. As infection proceeds or persists, the mucous membrane of the urinary tract becomes swollen and obstructs the pathway of urine, so that urine is passed with great difficulty. When the swelling obstructs and blocks the way of flushing out the bacteria, symptoms (discomfort and pain) and complications begin.
Incidences and risk personalities
- Women – are more likely to have urinary tract infections since anatomically the urethra, vagina and anus are present very close to each other. So, any infection or contamination can easily spread to the other. Also, unlike the male urethra, the female urethra is very short i.e. only 1½ inches. So any infection can easily spread into the bladder. People who are more prone to infection are:
- Women who often suffer from white discharges, constipation, etc.
- Old women who suffer from poor vascularity, loss of skin texture, dryness and cracks of the parts, prolapse uterus or vagina, etc.
- Pregnant women due to change of position of the urinary tract
- Old men are more likely to suffer from UTI recurrently since their enlarged prostate can act as a reservoir for bacteria
- Phimosis (condition where the foreskin of the penis cannot be retracted fully) which obstructs the pathway of the urine and spreads the infection
Babies – girls suffer more than boys. The suffering is mainly due to stool contamination on using diaper or not being clean. Affected babies will cry during urination
Sexually active adults – Sexual activity can cause UTI in women if the parts are dry and crack during activity. Also sexual activity can contaminate the urethra with vaginal secretions.
Diabetic patients – sugar excreted in the urine helps bacteria to grow, so such patients have recurrent infection unless properly treated.
Causes: Everyone might have suffered from UTI at one time or the other, after travel for a long time or after reduced intake of water or after heavy running or after sex or after operative procedures which involves catheterisation of the bladder for passing urine or bathing for a long time in contaminated water, etc. What is the main cause behind it? It is the bacteria. It enters the urinary system when there is lack of hygienic condition or weak resistance.
Some of the other causes are:
1) Lack of frequent urination or washing out the bacteria or stagnation of urine
2) Presence of residual urine in prostate problems or bladder complaints
3) Lack of proper function of urethral sphincter
4) Feacal contamination of urethra or high infection of E.coli bacteria in the alimentary tract
5) Reflux of urine into the ureter, when there is obstruction or stenosis of urethra or uretric valve damage
6) Diseases like diabetes, systemic lupus erythematous, kidney disorders, sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, cancer, etc., which weaken the immune system
Symptoms – are usually alarming and make the patient restless. Symptoms usually vary according to the type and place of infection. In many cases, routine urine test often reveals the pus cells and bacteria, but sometimes there won’t be a symptom at all. In such cases, there is a greater risk of getting deeper infection due to constant infection.
The common signs of UTI are:
- Frequent uncontrollable urge for urination with great fear of pain
- Very little urine or even few drops may be passed at times due to frequent urination
- Lower abdominal pain with fever usually associated with rigor
- Burning pain at the start or during or after urination
- High coloured and strong smelling urine
- Bloody or cloudy urine which indicate the presence of blood cells. If the infection is greater, occurrence of blood in urine can indicate the location of infection. If blood appears at the start of urination and then if urine flow is normal in colour – it indicates infection in the urethra. If blood appears pinkish i.e. totally mixed with urine, then the infection may be in the bladder or above it. If blood appears microscopically, then it could be due to anaemia, mild infection, etc.
- Nausea, vomiting and low back pain are also associated with UTI
Infection of bladder (Cystitis) – It is often noticed with frequent, little urination since the infected bladder cannot hold urine for a long time. Also, it cannot empty fully due to pain while contraction. The sharp pain with catch of breath during the middle and end of urination usually indicates bladder infection.
Infection of ureter (Ureteritis) is often identified with colicky pain in the lower abdomen or flanks. The main cause of infection is due to the descending of renal stone or from bacterial infection from the reflux urine which enters the ureter from the bladder.
Infection of kidney (Pyelonephritis) occurs in untreated cases of UTI with pain in the lumbar area and has other symptoms of nausea and vomiting.
Effects of UTI
- Urinary tract infection can reflect in BP due to deranged body water metabolism
- It can also cause weakness or anaemia due to excretion of essential things like glucose, proteins, blood cells, etc. These occurrences are mainly due to improper absorption in the kidney due to fast elimination of urine to wash off the bacteria.
Ways to prevent recurrent UTI
General precaution
Plenty of water, tender coconut water, fruit juices, buttermilk, lime juice, etc.
Diet rich in vegetables, spinach, radish, cucumber, fruits, garlic, onion and dairy products
Develop habits of
Urinating often to wash off the bacteria and to avoid stagnation of urine
Wearing loose and cotton dresses
Taking care while cleaning the anus after passing stool, to avoid contamination of the urinary tract
Urination after sexual activity since it can wash away the bacteria
Sprays and lotions used for getting quick erection and better sex
Spermicidal condoms which can cause irritation
Lubricated condoms
Lubricants if there is dryness of parts during sexual activity
Other methods of birth control measures, if copper T irritates and causes UTI often
For getting fast relief during UTI
- Plenty of water since water is the first medicine. The water not only washes away the bacteria, but also dilutes the concentrated urine and bacterial colonies, so that the symptom will disappear at the earliest
- Barley water and tender coconut water often
- Sweets, coffee, tea, beer, alcohol and cold beverages
- Sexual activity
Complications of UTI – If left untreated, complications often occur. The bacteria which enters the urinary system first irritates the system and later on infects the kidney, putting one’s life in danger. Finally kidney damage occurs and causes Anuria (absence of urine). Catheterisation or other surgical procedures may be required to let out urine in cases of total obstruction. Most people give up treatment mid-way and then end up with complications. So, difficulty in urination or painful urination or UTI should be interrogated and treated to eliminate the bacteria completely from the body.
General treatment: Normally, powerful antibiotics are prescribed for treating UTI. Even then, some suffer from UTI constantly. In such cases, the bacteria may become stubborn and persist due to lesser intake of water or infrequent urination. So, along with treatment, everyone should also take precautions and preventive measures. A course of antibiotics may be required to root out the bacteria. Stopping the medication just after getting better should be cautioned for the main reason of recurrent stubborn infection i.e. if the patient didn’t complete the course of antibiotics to eliminate the entire colonies of bacteria, they will continue to have bacteria in the urinary tract. Also, it should be informed that it is better to do a culture test after completing treatment to confirm the absence of bacteria. The recurrent suffering or taking antibiotics constantly will usually make the bacteria immune to drugs or antibiotics.
Homeopathic approach to UTI – The symptoms of urinary tract infection can be stubborn and persistent or recur even after routine treatment. This sort of immune tendency of the bacteria can be aborted easily by Homeopathy. Nowadays, bacteria are suspected to be the main causative factor of infection, but the real ultimate cause is our susceptibility to the bacteria or disease. Homeopathic treatment usually elevates resistance or immunity and diminishes the chance of getting recurrent infection.
Homeopathic medicines commonly used in cases of urinary complaints are Acid Nit, Apis mel, Belladonna, Berberis vulgaris, Borax, Cantharis, Clematis, Colocynth, Equisetum, Hydrastis, Lycopodium, Mer cor, Nux vom, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox, Sarsaparilla, Staphysagria, Sulphur, Terebinth, etc. These Medicines should be taken under the advice and diagnosis of a qualified Homeopath.
Why we are best
• We aim for Comfort First and Cure Next
• You will be in safe hands experienced more than 25 years.
• We can provide Best solution and Customized treatment plan for your sufferings.
• You will be directly under the personal care of Chief Doctor and not with juniors.
• As we had handled all sorts of cases in and abroad, we can guide you to choose effective treatment.
• Further, if required to control the disease at the earliest and to be in safer side and in Incurable diseases, to improve quality of life, we can also advice you to integrate Homeopathy with Allopathy
• Your treatment remains confidential with us by all means
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